Stop Buying Survival Stuff!

Stuff and more stuff does not get you prepared. Survival supplies are not a substitute for Skill. Master what you have.

Stop Buying Survival Gear!

1.Stuff and More Stuff “2 is 1 and 1 is none”
2.Collector i.e. Perspective
3.Latest & Greatest : Derekspace Channel
4. FOCUS and Balance
5.Basics: Food, Clothing, Shelter i.e. Rule of 3’s
6.Now What?
7.Don’t speculate: What do we need to know? Wood and Metal
8.Knowledge is less than Hands on i.e. Education to Career
9.Practice becomes Skill
10.Skill becomes Mastery
11.Mindset : Confidence, Prepared, Calm

“Speculation will do us no good. We have to focus on what we know and what we can know. Then act on that basis.”

Thanks to Robbie for joining us! Check out Wheaton Arms and

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Music is from Epidemic Sounds Royalty Free Music through the Fullscreen Network. Used with permission.

